Milestone move: The hospital partly relocates to state-of-the-art facility

On 6 May 2024, the intensive care unit moved into the new care building in Malmö, Sweden.
Relocating departments with critically ill patients requires meticulous planning. Every minute mattered as patients and vital equipment were moved to the new care building at Skåne University Hospital in Malmö, Sweden.

After six years of work, the first part of the new care building on the Malmö hospital campus is complete. On 6 May 2024, the intensive care unit moved in, followed by two orthopaedic departments, the geriatric department, and the renal and transplant department on 7 May. The orthopaedic and neurology outpatient clinics moved on 13 May 2024.

"We've been planning for over a year, with every minute meticulously accounted for. We also doubled the staffing around the move to ensure smooth operations without jeopardising patient safety," explained Heléne Sjöström, head of Malmö's intensive care unit.