‘By understanding more we can identify new therapies for complications due to type 2 diabetes’

Cardiologist Andreas Edsfeldt’s focus in research is to understand the underlying biology in type 2 diabetes associated with certain complications, such as myocardial infarction and stroke. “Cardiovascular complications are much more common among individuals with type 2 diabetes. What if we could identify new therapies to reduce the frequency of these complications?”

Andreas Edsfeldt is a resident in cardiology at Skåne University Hospital and a researcher at Wallenberg Centre for Molecular Medicine (WCMM). In 2022, every week a researcher working at WCMM at Lund University and Skåne University Hospital is presented. In the video, Andreas Edsfeldt shares more about his research.

About Wallenberg Centre for Molecular Medicine

  • Wallenberg Centre for Molecular Medicine (WCMM) is a research centre focused on Regenerative and Translational Medicine.
  • Through integrated research environments and excellent infrastructure, conditions are created for world-leading molecular and translational research.
  • The research at the Wallenberg Centre for Molecular Medicine was made possible by generous funding from the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation, the Region Skåne and the Faculty of Medicine at Lund University. The Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation is making a nationwide effort to ensure that Sweden regains a world-leading position in medical research.

Read more about Wallenberg Centre mor Molecular Medicine (lu.se)